Year 3 Outdoor Learning Curriculum
The Year 3 Forest School programme builds skills for ‘Surviving in the Outdoors’. Alongside organised games and free play, children will learn about extreme weather and how to tie knots to make shelters. They will learn how to safely use a variety of tools and build and light a fire themselves. They will then put these skills together for a challenge to ‘survive in an extreme weather scenario’!

Prepare for surviving in the outdoors during Forest School sessions

  • Learning how to tie different knots and understand their specific uses
  • Use knives to make tent pegs for their dens
  • Use knots to make a den to protect themselves
  • Light small 5 minute controlled fires
  • First aid techniques


  • Develop fire building and starting techniques and recap the fire triangle.
  • Learning how to adapt to a range of weather conditions in the outdoors.
  • Use a variety of tools to cut natural materials for different purposes.
  • Introduction to foraging skills and identifying different uses for common plants.