• English
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  • Art
  • Design Technology
    Design Technology
  • Music
  • PSHE
  • PE
  • Outdoor Edu
    Outdoor Education
  • Spanish
  • Enrichment

    Year 3 Music Curriculum
    Children will be taught six key strands of musical knowledge which include: singing, listening, improvising, composing, performing and reading notation. Pupils will be encouraged to explore the musical concepts through learning to play the ukulele. They will be taught…


    • Sing a widening range of unison songs of varying styles and structures with a pitch range of do–so, tunefully and with expression. Perform forte and piano
    • Perform actions confidently and in time to a range of action songs
    • Walk, move or clap a steady beat with others, changing the speed of the beat as the tempo of the music changes.
    • Perform as a choir in school assemblies.


    The following styles of music will be introduced as well as recapping on styles that have been taught in previous years. 

    Western Classical Tradition and Film:

    • Baroque e.g Handel
    • Romantic e.g Mussorgsky
    • 21st Century e.g A.R.Rahman

    Popular Music:

    • Funk e.g James Brown

    Musical Traditions:

    • India- Indian Classical e.g Kishori Amonkar


    • Become more skilled in improvising (using voices, tuned and untuned percussion and instruments), inventing short ‘on-the-spot’ responses using a limited note-range.
    • Structure musical ideas (e.g. using echo or question and answer phrases) to create music that has a beginning, middle and end.


    • Combine known rhythmic notation with letter names to create rising and falling phrases using just three notes (do, re and mi)
    • Compose song accompaniments on untuned percussion using known rhythms and note values.


    • Develop facility in playing tuned percussion or a melodic instrument such as an ukulele. Play and perform melodies following staff notation using a small range (e.g. Middle C–E/do–mi) as a whole class or in small groups (e.g. trios and quartets).
    • Use listening skills to correctly order phrases using dot notation
    • Individually (solo) copy stepwise melodic phrases with accuracy at different speeds; allegro and adagio, fast and slow.

    Reading Notation

    • Introduce the stave, lines and spaces, and clef. Use dot notation to show higher or lower pitch.
    • Introduce and understand the differences between crotchets and paired quavers.
    • Apply word chants to rhythms, understanding how to link each syllable to one musical note.